Building Ahrefs codebase with Melange

Javier Chávarri
Published in
5 min readMay 18, 2021


Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

At Ahrefs, we have been using BuckleScript and ReasonML in production for more than two years. We already have a codebase of tens of thousands of lines of code, with several web applications that are data intensive and communicate with backend services written in OCaml, using tools like atd.

Given our investment in these technologies, we have been following closely the recent changes in ReScript, with its rebrand and renaming, and the split with the ReasonML project, explained in the project blog post.

ReScript: becoming its own language

We are excited about the way ReScript is unifying the experience and making it easier for developers who are getting started to find documentation in a single place, as well as continuing its strong focus on performance and readable JavaScript output.

On the other hand, we are trying to figure out the implications of this change in the mid- and long-term, especially regarding the integration with the OCaml ecosystem. And more importantly, what this evolution will mean for production users like us who rely on this integration.

ReScript integration with OCaml has historically been seamless, as BuckleScript started originally as a new backend for the OCaml compiler. However, in recent months, there have been several hints that ReScript wants to evolve towards becoming its own language:

So, even if officially ReScript has not announced that they will break backwards compatibility with OCaml, just the fact that it is sticking with an old version of the OCaml compiler poses some challenges for us in terms of tooling. The uncertainty about the future and the pace of changes add some risk to the high-level goals we have for our teams and codebase: we would like to share more code between frontend and backend, not less.

Melange: a fork of ReScript, focused on OCaml compatibility

When António Monteiro announced Melange, a fork of ReScript but with a strong focus on keeping compatibility with OCaml, we decided to try it out and see how it could work for us.

Ultimately, the experiment was successful. We managed to build all our frontend applications with Melange, while keeping the existing bundling setup, which currently uses Webpack.

Throughout this process, we had to modify some parts of the code. We will now go through the most relevant parts of the process:

  • Upgrade to OCaml 4.12: the most relevant part was the deprecation of Pervasives module to use Stdlib.
  • Use ppxlib in our ppxs: we had to upgrade the two ppxs that we use in the frontend codebase to the latest compiler version, bs-emotion-ppx and an in-house ppx for internationalization.
  • Configure esy: we were already using esy to bring the editor tooling into scope of the developer environment, so we just had to make sure melange would also be included in the json configuration.
  • Upgrade to Reason 3.7.0: a quite simple change too, as the whole process is automated by using refmt. As a side note, we ran into a small bug with some type annotations, that we were able to work around.
  • “Lift” dune workspace to the root of our monorepo: this is probably the most intrusive change. Because we have shared code between backend and frontend, and Dune needs to have access to all sources under its workspace, we had to “lift” the Dune workspace from the backend directory to the root of monorepo.

The good

This experiment allowed us to experience what a project like Melange could offer for our use case. Here are some of the things we might be able to leverage in a codebase built with Melange:

  • Recent version of the OCaml compiler: at some point, we could pin compiler version between backend and frontend teams, making upgrades more straightforward as they would happen atomically.
  • Shared editor tooling: the official OCaml vscode extension works great with Melange, as well as any other OCaml editor integration. Having backend and frontend teams use similar editor setup removes a lot of maintenance work for us.
  • Consuming ppxs from source: Melange allows to consume ppxs from source, which also removes issues with pre-compiled ppxs (like this issue with the recent M1 Macs).
  • Melange allows to run all ppxs from a single executable file, which has some nice performance benefits.
  • Use Dune for atd files generators: ReScript “generators” are unfortunately not documented anymore, but we use them extensively for atd file generation. Being able to share Dune rules in backend and frontend would make our build setup easier.
  • Access to OCaml documentation tooling: Melange allows to leverage existing tooling for generating documentation, like odoc.
  • Async syntax: the latest Reason version supports “let op” syntax, which is handy for client-side code.

The bad

While there are many things that are exciting about Melange, there are some other parts that can be improved.

  • Build performance: We already knew that performance would be far worse than ReScript, as Melange uses Dune in a way that it was not designed for. In our tests, builds with Melange are roughly 1 order of magnitude slower than ReScript ones.
  • First-class Dune support: if there was a deeper integration between Dune and Melange, we could explore features like shared libraries or shared rules between backend and frontend. As of today, Dune has no knowledge about Melange environment, so it can perform basic rules execution, but there is no access to high level stanzas like library in Melange.
  • Two-headed goal: finally, we see a more strategic risk in Melange proposition. Right now it has two goals: keep compatibility with both ReScript and OCaml. But we don’t know how long these goals will be feasible. If at some point ReScript decides to move away from the OCaml compiler fully, then Melange users would not be able to consume any updates to the ReScript ecosystem anymore.

Alright, but are you migrating to Melange or ReScript?

With all the information available, the answer is: we don’t know yet. 😄 We want to keep exploring all the available options and have as much information as possible before committing further. So for now, we are upgrading the codebase to recent versions of ReScript, but we are holding up on features that only work one way. For example, we have not migrated our codebase to the ReScript syntax yet, as there is no way to translate back to Reason syntax.

In the meantime, we will keep exploring how far the limitations of Melange can be mitigated. To be continued! 🚀

Thanks to Igor and Feihong for reviewing and improving earlier versions of this post.



Frontend at Ahrefs • Passionate about The Web, JavaScript, and now OCaml and ReScript